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Admissions and new starters

Any parents considering Street Lane Primary School as the school for their child are very welcome to contact the school. We welcome visits from new families throughout the year, at any  time as we have an open door approach. Please contact the school office for further information.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Our youngest children in school are the Ducklings. They spend most of their day engaged in learning through play using both our indoor and outdoor spaces. Our new children settle very quickly and have days filled with laughter and fun!

Our Indoor Learning Environment


Our Outdoor Learning Environment


School Information

You may find reading some of these comments from our current parents useful:

"Fantastic school and fantastic teachers. Very proud of my children and proud and happy of the school they attend."

"School are really helpful and informative I find contacting the school easy and any issues quickly resolved!"

"The introduction of communication via online/parent pay/txt messaging helps to keep on top of things. We also like the after-school sport clubs – help us keep the boys outdoors and away from screens. Thank you."


Admissions Information

It was agreed at the Full Governing Body Meeting on 1st March 2021. Street Lane Primary School is following Derbyshire County Council’s admission arrangements for community and controlled schools for the academic year 2022/2023.

It was agreed at the Full Governing Body Meeting on 21st September 2021. Street Lane Primary School is following Derbyshire County Council’s admission arrangements for community and controlled schools for the academic year 2023/2024.

Street Lane Primary School is part of East Midlands Education although we do follow the Derbyshire County Council guidelines. All admissions to the school are dealt with by Derbyshire County Council. A link to the school admissions section of Derbyshire County Council’s website is given below.

In accordance with Derbyshire County Council policy we admit children into Reception in the September following their 4th birthday (this would be children whose fifth birthday falls between 1st September and 31st August of the coming year).

Parents must apply to Derbyshire County Council for a place in Reception during the Autumn Terms in the year before their child is due to start school. Applications can be made via the Derbyshire County Council website or by telephone.

We are part of the Derbyshire co-ordinated primary admission scheme.

Admissions need to be made online at

Mouse Club

Mouse Club is a project developed by the Parental Engagement Network with lots of research to suggest the mouse can support the emotional wellbeing of children and families, improve transition and improve outcomes for children.
Your child receives their mouse at our welcome meeting along with an information pack.

In Year Applications.

You may want to apply for your child to change schools other than when they are due to start primary education. This could be because of a change of address or other personal reasons. You can do this at any time of year.

Street Lane Primary School is its own Admission Authority and, as such, we would prefer parents/guardians to apply directly through the school using our Application Form, available below. Please either print the Application Form or phone the school on 01773 742717 to request one via the post or email. The Application Form should be returned directly to the School by email to or by post.

You will be notified within 10 school days whether or not a place has been offered.

If you are unsuccessful in being offered a place at Street Lane Primary School you have the right to appeal against this decision to an independent appeals panel. In order to lodge an appeal please obtain a Notice of Appeal form, attached below, or by phoning Street Lane Primary School on 01773 742717 or via email,


The Department for Education (DfE) guidance provides useful information and has links to both the School Admissions Code and the School Admission Appeals Code of Practice – Advice for Parents and Guardians on School Admission Appeals