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Physical Education

Daily physical activity is an essential part of the school curriculum for all of our children. In the Foundation Stage, children have access to learning indoors and outside as part of the daily curriculum and these opportunities are carefully planned in their own play areas, the garden area and on the main playground.

Equipment provided for all children encourages them to be physically active during playtimes and lunchtimes, planned afternoon activity sessions make up an additional hour of physical activity throughout the week, and a one hour P.E. lesson ensures games, gymnastics and dance are taught during the year.

Rosie (Y6) said: “We love our PE sessions. We do lots of different activities like the Flamenco dancing!”

Jessica (Y2) said: “We have just started learning different ball games, my favourite so far is dodgeball!”

Matthew (Y6) said: “Last term we played dodgeball. We practised lots of different skills whilst playing games!”

P.E and School Sports Funding

Our mission is to inspire all pupils to live a healthy and physically active lifestyle.

The school currently provides a minimum of 2 hours of PE every week where skills are taught through PE lessons. We also offer  a wide variety of sports provision after school, through our own staff and outside providers.

In our school we are using this funding to:

  • Use the expertise of specialist PE practitioners to work alongside staff to increase our subject knowledge and confidence.
  • Buy specialist PE and sport equipment to support and promote regular intra-school competitions and playground challenges at break and lunch times.
  • To provide a rich variety of extra-curricular sporting opportunities to all of our children.

In this way, our children will gain new skills and experiences and teachers will develop new techniques and knowledge to aid them in teaching sport and PE.

Please see our sports premium funding below: